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Sustainable Cotton Farming: IRC, CBA, and LVMH’s Solution to Climate Change in Central Africa

Protecting fragile ecosystems: IRC, CBA, and LVMH’s sustainable farming methods in Central Africa.

1. Introduction

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA), and luxury fashion company LVMH have partnered to address the impact of climate change on the Lake Chad basin in Central Africa. The partnership aims to support sustainable cotton growing and restore the biodiversity of degraded land around the lake.

Restoring Degraded Land: IRC, CBA, and LVMH Plant Indigenous Trees in Central Africa

Regenerating Biodiversity: IRC, CBA, and LVMH Plant Half a Million Trees in Central Africa

2. The Partnership’s Focus on Sustainable Cotton Farming

Central Africa, particularly the Lake Chad basin, has been affected by the impact of climate change. To address this, the partnership between IRC, CBA, and LVMH aims to support sustainable cotton farming in Chad’s Logone Occidental and Lac provinces. Cotton is a significant cash crop for the region, with 80% of Chadians working in the agricultural sector.

3. Regenerating the Region’s Ecosystem

To restore the biodiversity of degraded land around Lake Chad, the partnership plans to plant over half a million indigenous trees across 4,800 hectares of land. This programme will also facilitate access to markets and support other agricultural value chains, such as timber and fruit farming, through local farmers’ associations.

4. Benefits of Sustainable Farming Methods

According to Ali Amadou, the IRC Chad deputy director of programmes, adopting sustainable farming methods in the Logone Occidental and Lac provinces can reduce water usage and prevent soil degradation while protecting fragile ecosystems.

5. A Joint Effort with Multiple Organizations

The programme will be implemented in partnership with a number of organizations, including Pretaterra, Reforest’Action, Olam International, CotontChad SIV, and RAPS Mandoul. With this partnership, IRC, CBA, and LVMH hope to support the regeneration of the land around Lake Chad and build resilient and sustainable communities in Central Africa.

6. Conclusion

IRC, CBA, and LVMH have partnered to address the impact of climate change on the Lake Chad basin in Central Africa. Their four-year programme aims to support sustainable cotton farming and restore the biodiversity of degraded land around Lake Chad. By adopting sustainable farming methods, local communities can reduce water usage and prevent soil degradation while protecting fragile ecosystems. The partnership will work with multiple organizations to regenerate the land around Lake Chad and build resilient and sustainable communities in Central Africa.

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